Hot Cross Cheeseburger


  • 1 x packet Hot Cross Buns
  • 1 x packet Green Meadows Angus Beef & Cheese Burger Patties
  • Red onion
  • 3 gherkins, sliced
  • Cheese, sliced, plus grated cheese to grill on top of the buns
  • Burger sauce


Break two of the hot cross buns off the slab and set these aside. Slice the hot cross buns in half through the middle, without splitting them apart, and set the tops aside.  Heat a little olive oil in a heavy-bottomed frying pan and cook the patties until brown on both sides and cooked through. Remove from the pan and arrange the patties on top of the bottom half of the buns. Top with the sliced cheese and grill until golden and bubbly.

Slice rings from the red onion, enough to top the patties, pulling the rings apart. Then top with the gherkins and the burger sauce before putting on the lids. Scatter generously with grated cheese then grill once more until golden brown. Serve immediately.